I've been helping organize a one day conference on Visualizing Human Rights with the UNC Center for Global Initiatives. Hope to see you there. We have some wonderful folks speaking including NPR's Dick Gordan and Artists Ahmed Abdullah Fadamm, and Collin Quashie. I will also be on a panel with Bill Fick and Linda Booker.
I have an opening this Friday night in Charleston.
Mark Sloan has curated a very interesting exhibition of work which explores the nature and idea of "Mending."He has posted a wonderful on-line exhibition of the work. Check it out.
Just received these images from Lyndsay Richter of my latest public art project with CATS. The Transit Shelters I designed at Midtown Square in Charlotte for the Charlotte Area Transit System have just been installed. More images to come. There are five in all.
Signs of a Struggle, large scale photographs by Susan Harbage Page of Chapel Hill North Carolina now at Galeria 409. "Page has travelled the Rio Grande Valley on foot, by bicycle and canoe, documenting and collecting the objects dropped by the "mojados" or illegal aliens who swim the river in search of economic opportunity.