Zone of Contention: The U.S./Mexico Border  

exhibition at the Weatherspoon Art Museum, Greensboro, NC

Jun 16, 2012 – Sep 2, 2012 The Leah Louise B. Tannenbaum Gallery, The Louise D. and Herbert S. Falk, Sr. Gallery 

This exhibition focuses on artists’ investigations of issues related to the U.S./Mexico border, a geographic area of much debate and contention. Through photography, sculpture, works on paper, video, and new media, subjects such as migrant labor, immigration law, national sovereignty, and border control will be examined in terms of their current social and ideological impact.  The exhibition features new and recent works by artists from the U.S. and Mexico, including Andrea Bowers (Los Angeles, CA), Blane de St.

Guiding Lights Weekend - March 8 - 10, Seattle, Washington

The Guiding Lights Weekend is a powerful interactive conference on creative citizenship. 

Hundreds of leaders and change-makers come together from all across America. We sharpen our skills. We learn new ways to solve problems. We get inspired to reclaim our democracy. Join us March 8-10 in Seattle.

The White Box Project: Seeing Privilege on Campus

Workshop with guest speaker Susan Harbage Page

Hosted by Justin Lukasewics

Parker Community Director

Housing Development Session

Carmichael Hall Ballroom

UNC-Chapel Hill

Chapel Hill, North Carolina

Feb, 8, 2012
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