Featuring work from Taj Forer, Jimmy Fountain, Susan Harbage Page, Harrison Haynes, Jeff Whetstone, and Laura Williams.

Join us for the opening reception:

Saturday, September 27 from 6-9 pm

The Triangle will have wealth of photography events for the Click! Triangle Photography Festival during the month of October. We hope you'll explore and support the other venues and artists participating in this fabulous venture!

Our Click! reception will be held on Thursday, October 9th from 5 to 7 pm.

Light Art + Design


I was recently in Charlotte working with Leaders Under 40 - The Community Building Initiative's group, whose goal is Connecting Across Difference. We used art as a creative tool to explore borders in our session. (August 28, 2014)

Here are a few images of our border simulation. It helped us begin to understand the politics and realities of the U.S.-Mexico border in a more personal way.

Leaders Under 40

Connecting Across Difference to Lead & Serve.
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