Have a new website up. Check it out HERE.

Hope you'll give a listen to this interview that the cool guys...Jeff Bell and Warren Hicks.... did for their Visual Arts Podcast "Don't You Lie To me." I was lucky enough to be interviewed for episode 12.

Dont You Lie To Me with Susan Harbage Page

Whoa! Stop what you're doing and listen to this episode!

Jeff talks with the amazing conceptual artist and arts educator Susan Harbage Page.

Happy to have four of my images from the "Humanizing the Border" actions and protest sereis on the U.S.–Mexico Border in this new comprehensive publication on Self-Portraiture from  Rubbettino by Giorgio Bonami.

Il Corpo Solitario Vol.

Created by Light – Photographs from North Carolina Collections

September 16, 2017 - February 11, 2018

Delighted to have an early work from "Peter's World" in this exhibition opening on Friday eve at the Cameron Museum of Art, Wilmington, NC

Exploring the photography collections of eight North Carolina institutions, the exhibition will examine the evolution of photography highlighting the names of the medium; the connections between the institutions and NC artists working in the medium.

Dreaming Spello 

Opens tonight at 6pm as a part of SpelloPhotoFest 2017 : 

La Bella Fotografie in Via Giulia IV Edizione

Mostra allestita, stasera 18:00 inaugurazione. 

Below is my artist statement in both Italian and English

*All the photos are meant to be viewed as pairs. The meaning comes as your eye and mind go back and forth between the two images. The question is how they come together in the viewers mind.

Museo Della Canapa


"Il Sangue Delle Donne" is now on view in Croatia at Galeriji Rigo.

Here is a link to an article.

The curator Manuela De Leonardis has pulled together an interesting cross-section of work that examines menstruation. I have an embroidered piece in the exhibition.

14 aprile – 13 maggio 2017

Inaugurazione venerdì 14 aprile alle ore 18,30

Galerija Forum



Crossing Over: Embodied Text (2016)

(video below)

Susan Harbage Page

with Katy Clune

Crossing Over: Embodied Text is a small installation, which includes sound. I installed it for the first time in the exhibition “Objects from the Borderlands: The U.S. ­Mexico Anti-Archive,” at Greensboro Project Space presented by the National Folk Festival, Greensboro, North Carolina (2016).

I realized I did this installation and performance last summer and posted it before I did it, but never followed up with what actually happened.

Migrant’s Lament: Sewing Politics into Geography, a site-specific installation and performance (30’ by 24’) in the Ex Casserma Monte Rita (military barracks) for the international Biennale Arte Dolomite, is a meditation on the increasing number of border walls throughout the world.

Just found out the Ackland Museum of Art in Chapel Hill has my work up in the company of Jennifer Holzer, Guerilla Girls, Helen Frankenthaler, Anna, Gaskell, Kara Elizabeth Walker, and Nan Goldin.
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