Enjoyed working with Charlotte City Leaders on Thursday, the 22nd at the McColl center for Art + Innovation. We discussed sourcing our personal histories to lead us to the next step in social activism. How taking risks, play, and wandering as all part of the process.
Il sangue delle donne. Tracce di rosso sul panno bianco
Comunicato Stampa: In occasione delle celebrazioni per la Giornata Internazionale della Donna 2018 il Soroptimist Club L’Aquila - A global voice for women, con il patrocinio del Comune dell’Aquila e del MuBAQ - Museo dei Bambini e il supporto tecnico di Edizioni Ponte Sisto, presenta la mostra Il sangue delle donne.
Catalogue came in the mail from the Cameron Art Museum. The photo is of my nephew Peter Gallion whom I was fortunate enough to collaborate with for almost 20 years. He loves Halloween and superheroes.
Created by Light, Cameron Art Museum, Wilmington, North Carolina.
Thanks to Audrey Goodman for writing about my work on the U.S.-Mexico Border in Five Points: The Journal of Literature and Art published by Georgia State University, Vol. 18, No. 2
Five Points....came home and opened a manila envelope and found this... Great article by Audrey Goodman. Thanks Audrey! I remember when I made that photo on the cover in Roma, Texas. It was dusk and we were watching boats go back and forth across the Rio Grande.