Erasing The Border Performances
Erasing the Border, Susan Harbage Page
2018 Performances:
April 5, Preview Party, Feminine Spectrum exhibition, Visual Arts Exchange, Raleigh, NC
April 23, META Conference, Black Mountain College, NC (at Camp Rockmont, the space of John Cage’s 1948 “happening”)
May 10, Performance Evening, Feminine Spectrum exhibition, Visual Arts Exchange, Raleigh, NC. VAE performances curated by Stacey Kirby
Erasing the Border is a performance which returns the U.S.-Mexico border back to an older, blurrier state before it was hardened and expanded by border walls, increased militarization of the border zone, and the ever-growing show of state power.
2018 Performances:
April 5, Preview Party, Feminine Spectrum exhibition, Visual Arts Exchange, Raleigh, NC
April 23, META Conference, Black Mountain College, NC (at Camp Rockmont, the space of John Cage’s 1948 “happening”)
May 10, Performance Evening, Feminine Spectrum exhibition, Visual Arts Exchange, Raleigh, NC. VAE performances curated by Stacey Kirby
Erasing the Border is a performance which returns the U.S.-Mexico border back to an older, blurrier state before it was hardened and expanded by border walls, increased militarization of the border zone, and the ever-growing show of state power.