The newly published Borders and Belonging Portfolio has been added to the collection of Davidson College Art Gallery. Follow this link to their "Art From Your Inbox Newsletter #17" to find out more.

We recently purchased a portfolio, Borders and Belongings (2011), by Susan Harbage Page with the support of the LUBO Foundation. The North Carolina-based artist has spent eleven years photographing personal objects left behind along the U.S.-Mexico border by immigrants attempting to cross. This on-going project encourages us to reassess our attitudes towards borders, belonging, and migration.

Looking forward to seeing Roger Manley and Tom Stanley Tuesday evening for a conversation about Creative Shifts. Click here for more information.

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

7:00–8:00 p.m.

Facebook Live

Every year, McColl Center alumna artist Susan Harbage Page travels to the U.S.-Mexico border in southeast Texas for “aesthetic, archaeological, and archival intervention”.

Check out the new Southern Cultures Journal here.

So pleased to be a part of the Art and Vision Summer issue of the Southern Cultures Journal edited by Teka Selman. Deborah Willis wrote a beautiful essay about my Gold-Leafed Passport. The meaning of my passport seems to be changing daily with new Covid border restrictions. Check out Teka's essay Seeing in the Dark.
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