I pulled six images together for the Women's Visual Artist Database curated by the Windmill Art Power plant. So will post them one a day. This is No. 5 of 6. 

My Gold-Leafed Passport

Susan Harbage Page


Gold-Leaf, Susan Harbage Page’s U.S. Passport

The work is self-reflective in its transformation of my official U.S. passport containing all of my personal data and a photographic portrait of me. My use of gold-leaf is linked to ideas of privilege, wealth, agency, and belonging in the body politic. Covered in gold, the small object is transformed from a light disposable object to one which is physically heavier and now needs safekeeping and guarding because of its increased value.

I pulled six images together for the Women's Visual Artist Database curated by the Windmill Art Power plant. So will post them one a day. This is No. 4 of 6. The distorted and often scratchy sounds of "erasing" ask the audience to question their relationships to territories, borders, power and exclusion, and the binary logic behind social and gendered boundaries.

I pulled six images together for the Women's Visual Artist Database curated by the Windmill Art Power plant. So will post them one a day. This is No. 3 of 6. 

The Map Is Not The Territory: Bodies, Borders, and Geographies Performance, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill part of the U.S.-Mexico Border Project 2007-Present

Susan Harbage Page


Maps, Thread, Mittens, Tape, Rubber Ice Shoes, Plastic Container, Spoon, Banana, Body

And a few more from the performance.....

I pulled six images together for the Women's Visual Artist Database curated by the Windmill Art Power plant. So will post them one a day. This is No. 2 of 6. In this photo is Jocelyn Casanova who came across our southern border as a small child. She is looking at the objects left behind by individuals crossing our southern border.

Here is a link to the WindMill-Art Power Plant which will be uploading the database soon. Thanks to these powerhouse women for making it happen. Carolina Ciuti, Manuela De Leonardis,

Laura (Van der Bol) Facchini, Miranda MacPhail, Nicoletta Ricasoli 

In Italy, as in other countries, the ambition of achieving true equal opportunity via the deconstruction of gender stereotypes remains an unfulfilled ambition.

I pulled six images together for the Women's Visual Artist Database curated by the Windmill Art Power plant. So will post them one a day. The database will be up soon.



So proud of my former Student Mansi Shah and the work she is doing with Classical Music and Statistics.

"My Gold-Leafed Passport" just published in the Geopolitics Journal by Routledge: Taylor & Francis Group.

Bordering practices often rob women of their human rights, subjectivity, and agency. We must read the effects of bordering practices on people with an intersectional gaze and understand that a gendered and racialised body is read fluidly and is more vulnerable and precarious as it enters a border zone.

Looking forward to being a part of "Ecce Domina" this weekend in Prato.
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