Ana Martinez -Puppet and Spirit --- Relics, Artifacts, and Bones
Shifts - Body as Border
Cameron Art Museum - Close to Home, November 17 - March 23, 2025
Bridging Borders Performance - Susan Harbage Page and Tamara Soldan, July 17, 2023
Celebrating 25 Years at the McColl Center - Artist Spotlight
Embodied Cartography and the Photographic Process - Kinship Photography Collective
Artist Talk at the Gregg, September 21
Bridging Borders Performance, Spello, Italy
Susan Harbage Page: Embodied Cartography in Territorial Disputes
Border Ecology: Art and Environmental Crisis at the Margins
Southern Spaces
"Io e Me" alla Biblioteca Europea di Roma, dal 6 dicembre
Empoli - Rome - Davidson
Rivers Borders Deflated Boats
Everyone Performance, Enez Kalesi, Turkey
HOME/ Lessico per la vita di coppia
Save the date --- September 29, Rome
Evros River Border Crossing
A Planetary Lens: The Photo-Poetics of Western Women's Writing
Il Corpo Solitario, Vol. III
Ambasciatore di Spello in the World and Il Tribbio, Spello host U.S. Cultural Attaché
Art is in Your Hands L'Associazione Culturale WindMill
Biblioteca Nazionale Roma - 25 Novembre
IO E ME at the Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Roma, November 25 -SALA UNO
Crossing Over: A Floating Intervention
My Gold-Leaded Passport - No. 5 of 6
Erasing The Border - No. 4 of 6
The Map is not the Territory Performance - No. 3 of 6 for the Women's Visual Art Database
No. 2 of 6 for the Womens Visual Artist Database
Women's Visual Artists Database - WindMill-Art Power Plant
Women's Visual Artists Database - WindMill-Art Power Plant
Women's Visual Artists database - Windmill Art Power Plant
Mansi Shah - Classical Music Needs a Data-Driven Race Reckoning (And How We Can Start It)
Geopolitics: My Gold-Leafed Passport Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group
This coming Weekend, October 9 - Feminist Art Action in Prato, Italy
At Palazzo Fruscione, Salerno
Underexposed: Women Photographers From The Collection
Meredith Monk's Opera Atlas - A few images from our production
Harbage Page Produces Video Sets for Meredith Monk's Opera "Atlas"
Fronteras De Violencia: En MĂ©xico y Estados Unidos
Contemplating the Border with Susan Harbage Page
Between the River and the Wall, Sumter County Gallery of Art
Inside the Artist's Studio - Duke University
Race, Racism, and Racial Equity:
"The risk of being a-political: can "border art" become a polity call?"
Manuela De leonardis for Il manifesto, Rome - Susan Harbage Page, un puzzle di oggetti per raccontare l'identitĂ¡ dei "clandestini"
Joe Biden sauvera-t-il la culture américaine ?
Archive as Evidence
un puzzle di oggetti per raccontare l’identità dei «clandestini», Manuela De Leonardis, Il Manifesto
Artist Talk - Susan Harbage Page Oct. 22 at Noon
How Artists Lead the Conversation on Race
Davidson College Art Galleries
Creative Shifts - Susan Harbage Page + Roger Manley
Teka Selman edits Art and Vision Issue---Southern Cultures Journal
Borderlands Virtual Tour
Migrations and Meaning(s) in Art curated by Deborah Willis
Humanizing the Border - Two Small Protests
Non/Belonging Talk at the Border - Border Experience Mission Trip
Borders and belonging
Kith + Kin, Cambridge
Corpomente: Arte & Medicina Lavorano, Isola di Liri (FR), Italy
What is Art? Introduction to Aesthetics
Re-locating the US-Mexico Borderlands: Susan Harbage Page's Vibrant Contact Zones by Audrey Goodman
Borderlands: Evidence from the RIo Grande catalogue wins BEST IN SHOW publication award.
The Blood of Women / Il Sangue Delle Donne in Bari! 5-19 September.
Borderlands Exhibition - Virtual Tour
A Museum Reflects Twice
Infusing Research into Teaching
Talking Trash: Cultural Uses of Waste, Vanderbilt Press
Cultivating Collections at Western Carolina University - Feminism Rewritten
Until July 28 - Borderlands:Evidence from the Rio Grande
Carolina Women's Center - Interviw with Susan Harbage Page
Carolina Women's Center - Interviw with Susan Harbage Page
‘Cultivating Collections’ on display through July 26 at Wedterm Carolina's Fine Art Museum
WUNC - The State of THings with Frank Stasio - A Photographer Finds the Stories in Things Left Behind Along the Border WUNC
Symbols for the Voices of Many Women by Lizzie Cheatham-McNairy
Presentation in Rome on Friday --- Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Moderna e Contemporanea, Rome
Spirale Journal - Mass Violence Against Women
Gregg Museum of Art - Borderlands -Talk and Panel on February 21
Borderlands - Eveidence form the Rio Grande at the Gregg Museum of Art
Borderlands Catalogue Available
Gingerbread Borderland
Repeat After Me Exhibion, UK
UNC Art Department Kachergis Panel
Erasing the Border Performance - Montreal
Repeat After Me - Opens November 9
Repeat After Me at Electro Studio Project Space
Across County Lines Opens October 4 - Nasher Museum of Art
People Get Ready and Across County Lines - Oxford American
Nasher this fall.
Erasing The Border Performances
Across County Lines --Nasher Museum of Art
Creating Community at the Nasher Museum of art
Papermaking with Ann Marie Kennedy
Museo Di Palazzo Mocenigo, Venice, May 18
Embroidery As Art - Roundtable in Venice
Erasing the Border Performance - VAE
Feminine Spectrum - Erasing the Border
Southern Documentary Fund
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