Congrats to Ana Martinez for her new publication. She includes my work in Chapter 14 Relics, Artifacts, and Bones: Activating Migrancy's Traces Through Performance.

Link to the Book is here.

SHIFTS - 2022

Shifts - A conceptual series of photographic self-portraits thinking about bordering and bodies.

The painting is gouache on old maps I found at a flea market in Italy.

Close to Home (November 19, 2024 – March 23, 2025) is a celebration of CAM’s collection featuring works by artists with a connection to our state, our region, and our home. Join us as we explore images of people and places that evoke the varied spirit of our community.

Bridging Borders, July 17, 2023, Spello, Italy

We spoke on the phone and did some planning but Tamara Soldan and I had only one day in person before our performative collaboration to finalize what we were going to do.

Congrats to the McColl Center in Charlotte, North Carolina. I was so fortunate to have many ties to the McColl Center through a residency, exhibitions, and leading/teaching workshops through the Innovation Institute. It is a place of community, dialogue and a commons for the arts.

November 27th, 2023

Standing Performance (2005-2023)

Standing on a very narrow history of patriarchal art that many of us grew up on. 

This collection of H.W. Janson's "A History of Art" books is the last thing left in my office before I retire. Coincidentally, my office was previously a women’s dorm room at UNC.

Susan Harbage Page Wednesday, November 8th, at 7 pm EDT on Zoom Join us for a dynamic and exploratory conversation with Susan Harbage Page as she shares more than 15 years of meditations and explorations on the U.S.-Mexican border.

New Exhibition Catalogue out. Published for the exhibition Susan Harbage Page: Embodied Cartography in Terretorial Disputesat Davidson College fall 2022. The exhibition was curated by Director of Davidson College Art Galleries, Lia Newman and includes essays by Ana L.

Happy yo share this new publication which includes my work in it.

Mostra Corale Da Cajeta a Circe tra cura e magia un viaggio tra l'Eneide e l'Odissea presso la Pinacoteca Antonio Sapone di Gaeta Inaugurazione domenica 12 Marzo 2023 ore 15.

Honored to have my work featured here.

Io e Me Autoritratti nel periodo del Lockdown Un racconto introspettivo dei lavori di 125 artisti internazionali raccolti in sei volumi Martedì 6 Dicembre 2022 alle 17.30 Biblioteca Europea Via Savoia n.

I have three solo exhibitions opening one right after the other in the space of 6 weeks so life is a bit of a whirlwind. Here is all of the information in one spot for you.

Since 2007 I have been walking the river border in East Texas along the Rio Grande photographing the objects people leave behind as they flee their homes, often due to economic necessity, violence, or climate change.

June 13, 2020

Everyone Performance, Enez Kalesi Turkey

This summer I began fieldwork on the Evros River Border Crossing: Border Biopolitics and Embodied Cartography project supported by a Pogue Senior Research Faculty leave from UNC-Chapel Hill.

What happened with couples during lockdown? 

This new project I am working on in conjunction with Laura V. d B. Faccini, Windmill Art Power Plant and Sincreses combines a look at relationships, covid, and home. I'm curious as to how concepts of home have shifted in the last few years.

Super excited about this upcoming exhibition at the Sala Boromini at the Biblioteca Vallicelliana in Rome. pages...library cards...embroidery...saws. All explored and altered in various ways.

Super excited to be heading off to the Evros River Border Crossing between Turkey and Greece for some transnational research into the geopolitics of the area this year. I will be thinking about borders as "climate walls" and how they are used to keep refugees at bay.

Super excited to walk to the Post Office this morning and find this new book by Audrey Goodman. I am grateful for her friendship, her discussions, and her writing. She touches on my U.S.-Mexico Border Project in this book. Congratulations Audrey.

Just found out I have work in this new Rubbittino publication by Giorgio Bonami Il Corpo Solitario. L’Autoscatto Nella Fotografia Contemporanea, Vol. III.

In early December the Ambasciatore di Spello in the World and Il Tribbio Cultural Association of Spello hosted Rakesh Surampudi, Cultural Affairs Officer from the U.S Embassy, Rome.

Feminist Art Action - October 9, 2021

This fall I was fortunate to participate in an international event sponsored by L'Associazione Culturale WindMill, Prato Italy which was dreamed up, sponsored and organized by artist Laura FdB Facchini.


Excited to be a part of this exhibition of self-portraits made by an international group of artists during covid. Here is my work Trasloco No. 15.

25 novembre 2021 alle ore 16,30

Featuring Work from International Artists During the Covid Pandemic

Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Roma

Viale Castro Pretorio, 105

00185 Roma

Tel +39 06 4989396


Stefano Campagnolo, direttore generale della Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale

Eleonora C

I pulled six images together for the Women's Visual Artist Database curated by the Windmill Art Power plant. So will post them one a day. This is the last one - No. 6 of 6.

Crossing Over: A Floating Intervention, from the U.S.

I pulled six images together for the Women's Visual Artist Database curated by the Windmill Art Power plant. So will post them one a day. This is No. 5 of 6. 

My Gold-Leafed Passport

Susan Harbage Page


Gold-Leaf, Susan Harbage Page’s U.S.

I pulled six images together for the Women's Visual Artist Database curated by the Windmill Art Power plant. So will post them one a day. This is No. 4 of 6.

I pulled six images together for the Women's Visual Artist Database curated by the Windmill Art Power plant. So will post them one a day. This is No. 3 of 6.

I pulled six images together for the Women's Visual Artist Database curated by the Windmill Art Power plant. So will post them one a day. This is No. 2 of 6. In this photo is Jocelyn Casanova who came across our southern border as a small child.

Here is a link to the WindMill-Art Power Plant which will be uploading the database soon. Thanks to these powerhouse women for making it happen.

I pulled six images together for the Women's Visual Artist Database curated by the Windmill Art Power plant. So will post them one a day. The database will be up soon.


So proud of my former Student Mansi Shah and the work she is doing with Classical Music and Statistics.

"My Gold-Leafed Passport" just published in the Geopolitics Journal by Routledge: Taylor & Francis Group.

Bordering practices often rob women of their human rights, subjectivity, and agency.

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