Intimate Spaces - Linens, Towels, Beds, From the Monastary, Spello, Italy
The bath towels are always folded and placed at the foot of beds made for religious pilgrims passing through on their way to Assisi. They become color studies of sorts when they become bigger than life in the prints. They show the signs of long use, wear and care—as they are neatly folded time after time.
The bath towels are always folded and placed at the foot of beds made for religious pilgrims passing through on their way to Assisi. They become color studies of sorts when they become bigger than life in the prints. They show the signs of long use, wear and care—as they are neatly folded time after time.
These images were all made at the Monastero di Santa Maria Madalenna, Spello, Italy
20 x 29 inches
Click on images to enlarge
New Work in Progress
New Work in Progress